
Back & neck Pain

“Non-invasive treatment option that gently stretches the spine to alleviate pressure on the spinal discs and joints”.

Spinal Decompression Traction Therapy

Non-surgical spinal decompression traction at Bundall on the Gold Coast is a therapeutic technique used to treat certain spinal conditions, particularly those associated with disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, or facet joint syndrome. It’s a form of mechanical traction therapy designed to relieve pressure on the spinal discs and nerves.

Spinal decompression Gold Coast, Bundall involves employing mechanical methods to alleviate pressure on inflamed spinal joints and diminish intra-discal pressure. This procedure can be administered for severe lower back pain and neck issues, through the utilisation of computerised traction units, which operate on a sliding bed or neck traction halter.

The therapist regulates the progression and intensity of traction, ensuring a gradual and gentle application, often with the aid of a safety trip switch controlled by the patient. Treatment durations typically range from ten to twenty minutes, depending on the severity and sensitivity of the condition. Traction is commonly utilised alongside other manual therapy approaches to optimise outcomes within an expedited timeframe.

In suitable circumstances, spinal decompression Gold Coast, Bundall can deliver impressive outcomes without resorting to invasive interventions and at a modest expense. However, it’s crucial to recognise that it isn’t a universal remedy for all spinal issues. In certain situations, particularly when there’s an acute, highly unstable disc lesion causing pain, it may trigger muscular spasms. Nevertheless, for numerous chronic arthritic, joint, and certain disc-related issues, spinal traction holds the potential to swiftly alleviate pain and enhance movement without discomfort.

What Can Spinal Decompression Traction Treat

Back Pain

Decompression therapy stretches the spine, relieving pressure on discs and nerves, promoting healing, reducing pain, and improving mobility for back pain relief.

Neck Pain

Decompression therapy elongates the neck, easing pressure on discs and nerves, fostering healing, diminishing discomfort, and enhancing mobility to alleviate neck pain.


Decompression therapy can relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, promoting healing, reducing muscle tension, and improving disc health, offering non-invasive relief for sciatica.

Disc Bulges

Decompression therapy relieves pressure on the spine, promoting disc healing and alignment, providing a non-surgical option for disc bulges.

Disc Degeneration

Decompression therapy relieves pressure, promotes healing, increases mobility, relaxes muscles, and is non-invasive. 

Facet Syndrome

Decompression therapy alleviates facet syndrome by gently stretching the spine, relieving pressure on facet joints & reducing inflammation.

Spinal Stenosis 

Decompression therapy for spinal stenosis involves gently stretching the spine to relieve pressure on nerves, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Chronic Back Pain

Decompression therapy relieves chronic back pain by gently stretching the spine, reducing pressure on discs, promoting healing. 

Failed Surgery

Decompression therapy may help with failed back surgery pain by relieving pressure on spinal nerves, promoting healing. 

Spinal Decompression Gold Coast osteopath Movement Matters disc Bulge.png

Gold Coast Spinal Decompression Process

Prior to undergoing spinal decompression traction at our Bundall practice on the Gold Coast, patients are required to have a consultation with one of our osteopaths to  determine its suitability as part of an overall management plan for your condition. Decompression traction therapy serves to complement other therapeutic approaches within an osteopathic treatment. Existing patients of Movement Matters Osteopathy who have already undergone assessment have the option to utilise spinal decompression traction (either for the neck or back) for a small nominal fee, without the need for a consultation or scheduled appointment. This allows patients to access the service conveniently, without a formal consultation, at a time that suits them. Many of the conditions that respond well to traction may involve irreversible damage to joints, discs, and other spinal structures, often necessitating regular maintenance. The primary goal is always to achieve the best outcome in terms of pain relief and improved mobility as quickly as possible. Once a level of stability is attained, we will guide you through appropriate maintenance exercises, stretches, advise on activities modifications, correct lifting and postures. 

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